Thank you for visiting my amateur radio blog.
As of 2021 I am enjoying radio more than ever, with a mixture of transceivers and antennas. I operate on HF, UHF, VHF with various modes.
I used to enjoy ft8, these days you will find me on SSTV and Telephony, with the occasional burst on FT8 to do either antenna checks or propagation testing. I still maintain my web-technologies WSPR site and am in the process of building an improved 40m WSPR service, this is likely to be a winter project over Q421 and Q122.
I enjoy telephony on 80m, mostly in the dark winter evenings and nights, but will find me on 40m and 20m as well, but typically for shorter QSO’s and SSTV on 14.230 USB.
On VHF and UHF I use my IC-705 into a Diamond X-50, so am limited to 10W. I love QRP mobile operation, I do all modes to suit the conditions. If you hear me out QRP – thank you every much for the QSO, its hard work, but I love it.
I maintain this website, amongst others, typically on a weekly basis, if more is happening I try to keep it upton date, but work and life can over take radio sometimes 🙂
I hope to catch you in my logs books or if you enjoy SWL to catch me on the airwaves, you are welcome to send me a QSL card on either.
Until then thank you for reading my blog.
Alan / 2E0FWE