Not quite a POTA activation and a poorly IC705!

I headed out mid-morning to what is a nearby POTA activation site, Avon Heath, thinking I’ve found a nice place to park and activate from. I was some what bemused that when i got into the car park it was stated ‘permit holders only’. No wonder this place hasnt been activted more often ! I headed off to the New Forest, which was another 15 minute drive away, but with plenty of FREE parking!

Avon Heath Park – No free parking for you !

Haven driven to the New Forest, I took the first designated car park on the route in, it was a new one for me to do POTA from and wasnt disappointed. A nicely sized car park and plenty of nature / trees around, it was a great place to do radio from !

I think it has been the first titme I’ve been out in the Bongo for POTA in a while (at least since I had it fixed up) having previously been to Boudlerwood and using the table and chair their previously, it was nice to setup and operate from the Bongo as there was some light drizzle later on as well. The Alex loop on bike stand configuration worked really well and held in place by the rear wheel of the bongo.

Today I was going to stick to FT8/4 on my iphone, as I had used this app when I had an ipad and it worked well. On the phone obviously the screen was a little smaller, but still ok to have FT8 and FT4 QSO’s. The POTA Spotting really helped with POTA activators (hunters) looking me up. I was also pleased to make a park to park !

I had problems getting the log off via email (didnt arrive) and upload to icloud (out of space, not paying apple for more), so I used the excellent POTA manual logging page. It was then it became apparent that I had a duplicate QSO in the log, and I had only managed 9 contacts, not the 10 I needed for an activation ! How frustrating, it goes to show that my method of writing down QSO’s on good old fashioned paper would of caught this out.

I headed back home and to see if I could get my iMac thinkpad to hook up to the IC705, I was finding soundflower’s audio to be jittery via wfview so I headed to using the old fashioned USB port, when it became clear something was not well with the IC705’s USB port. I tried connecting the USB port and different cables to different computers and only with a ‘wiggle’ or a firm pressure applied would the USB port activated. Given the USB port had seen some action and was the horrendous old type, I looked for replacements, I was so glad that it was already available to market. IC705 USB-C board

The IC705 USB board looks an easy drop in replacement that gives me USB-C and unlikely as it may, protection from errant amplifiers. I’ve ordered one, but it has to come from the USA and I’m not keen on depending soley on the iPhone with SDR-Mobile for making QSO’s.

I spent Sunday morning re-configuring my official IC705 bag with the 705 and ATU in, I headed out to the garden and tested the whip antenna, I was able to make a couple of contacts ! So the whip antenna would work if I needed it to.

IC-705 and Whip antenna performance with FT8 on 17m was not bad, but I do have a spare EFHW for 40m. Whilst its quite ‘bulky’ it still a good antenna, I use the 80m varient as my main HF antenna at the QTH which operates really well in very RF noisey conditions.

So for my next POTA I want to try the EFHW and the IC705 in its back pack, I will probably operate from the Bongo for the first time in this configuration, but am looking forward to using this lovely location to try out EFHW and IC705 !

A new location and a nice tree to use !

Until the next time, which shouldnt be to long to wait, thanks again for all the POTA hunters and other ham radio portable enthusasits that get me out the shack and getting on the air.

73 2E0FWE