With another gorgeous sunny day it was an opportunity to get out the shack and on the air, but before heading out, I had a nice walk/exercise to Hengistbury Head, whilst I had no radio with me today, I did notice these small microwave dishes at the end of my walk on the cafe. I wonder what they are ?

Maybe they are some kind of digital voice repeater, they look very ‘directed’ so not the kind of antenna I’d expect something like the ‘land train’ to use, maybe its to the other cafe near mudeford sandback ? Still Sweety and I had a great walk !

Once back home I quickly assembled my radio and headed off to the New Forest, I did a quick check of the 17m band before heading out and everything look good on the bands, despite the reports of poor conditions.
Once setup, I was able to get onto FT8 on 17m in the park and my reports on PSK Reporter was really good ! I’m quite amazed how well this little whip and radials works.

I had to do some band and mode changing to get the 10 contacts to activate the park, but sure enough today it was in less than an hour, which was great, maybe coming in the afternoon when more Europeans are awake/about for radio helped as well.

After about 90 minutes on digital modes I noticed my IC-705 has got really hot, as in hot to touch and the temp meter on the front was getting high as well ! I gave the radio about 15 minutes of break and the temp got back down to below the red zone. I think the combination of hot weather (was about 28c air temp at this point, the breeze kept me somewhat cool) and the radio being in the bag restricted its ventilation.

I found that taking the radio out the bag and letting the breeze pass over it considerabley reduced the temperature. As I already had enough contacts I’d though I give 2M FM a try on the RH770 Whip antenna.

To my amazement, i was able to make a contact with 2E1KJB on the Isle of White in Cowes ! Given I was in the New Forest so this was well over the horizion on a whip antenna, i was really pleased to make the QSO and add a FM contact to my list – I notice the temperature of the radio had once again increased, so I thought it was a good way to finish off and pack up.

I felt it prudent to check the IC-705 once back home as it had time to cool down on the short journey back and borrowing the 6btv antenna from the WSPR station was able to confirm that all was good with the transmit, so no damage done to the finals due to the hot weather.

I was really happy to get out with the radio 2 days in a row and make enough contacts to add to my new forest activations – having now reached 10 activations in the New Forest, i’m half way there on completing the award, and with still plenty of time for radio between now and getting back into alot more studying, I’m confident I will get the 20 activations in no time at all !

With the issue of heat and the radio being in the Icom back-pack I may revert to the magloop again and try to work out a way I can use it portable, as I tend to either bungee it to a table or use my ‘bike stand’ mast which under the rear wheel of the bongo as shown above.
Still I’m sure I’ll find a way, i do enjoy getting out of the house and out of the Bongo when the weather is this nice ! Until the next time and thanks for all those who responded to my CQ’s ! 2E0FWE 🙂