Despite several operators infringing on the SSTV calling frequency of 14.230 and poor conditions I wasnt put off calling CQ. Whilst I didnt get a response, i was amazed to see that I was received at about a P3/P2 clarity by VE1DBM.

I’ve had several great QSO’ s on SSTV around Europe, I’m really happy with getting on with this ‘new to me’ method of making contacts. I particularly enjoy making new photos and sending them out. I have received some, which I though a little risky in terms of nudity, but still good quality pictures and well received by the Wellbrook Antenna in poor conditions.

I’m getting my 2m transceiver setup over the weekend, and will try and connect it back up to the computer, i’d love to try SSTV on 2M with a Yagi !
I have a few more write ups to do on learning, local nets, but that will be later in the week.
Until then, take care and stay safe !
Alan / 2E0FWE