A quick one today, so had a great time watching and being part of the live stream for G5STU. Was great to make contact again with very good signal reports – being very close but hilly terrain between the QTH and Poole Harbour was good to get in the log and hear myself back. Not quite BBC Radio quality on the pronunciation on my part, but not as terrible as I thought. Still, great work on G5STU to run these live streams, its great to hear so many other people and enjoy listening live as well as the live-stream.

Had a great time with a very nice SSTV QSO with DG0KT, great signal reports for what was a very busy 20M with both SSTV and QRM coming in from other operators bleeding into the 20M SSTV Center-of-activity.
I have a POTA activation planned soon, usually I go in my Mazda Bongo camper van, which has developed a stall fault – the indication is that of fuel starvation (runs but stalls) and having checked the ‘banjo’ filter found nothing wrong there, have ordered new diesel fuel filter.

The fuel filter should arrive on the 13th and hoping its a quick swap-out to get the bongo back on the road ! In the mean time I’ll be going in the XK8 – which will be interesting as whilst its a more comfortable car, getting it setup with a radio and loop antenna will be interesting !

Until next time keep well and enjoy radio !
73, 2E0FWE