POTA QRP in poor radio conditions

HF Band conditions have not been at their greatest this week (10/8/24) with intemittent SSTV pics on 20m and visibly varying conditions on other bands, courtesy of the WSPR transmitter I run here. Not to be defeated, I still headed out to The New Forest see if any contacts could be made…

Band conditions are not good on the HF bandscurrently

I setup in the same place as last week, with the same antenna. I did unfurl the counterpoises 2 times just to get a better placement and spread and even without the tuner, was getting good SWR of 1.5:1 on the Toybox antenna on 17m. Setup was really easy and no tangled radials.

I started with FT8 on 17M, it was taking some time to get out, but PSK Reporter and self-spotting on the POTA app meant I could see myself via the reverse beacon network as well, so it was just a question of being patient to make a contact.

17M FT8 – despite the poor conditions, my signal was getting out nicely on 10W

Sure enough with 10 minutes, I had my first contacts and QSO’s into Europe. It was certianly taking longer than last week, but nethertheless the QSO’s where coming in. I continued on 17M and it was really evident of just how fluctuating the band conditions where, one minute I was hearing/getting into Australia and New Zeeland, the next the whole band seemingly ‘collapsed’ with only the very strongest of signals getting thru. I had made 6 contacts and I wasnt in a big rush, so peristed with FT8 on 17m. I was pleased to be getting into Denmark and a good report back from OZ9FF was good to get in the logs. Having got my 10 QSO’s in the log after about 90 minutes, I tried different modes and bands.On FT4 on 17m I was pleased to get another POTA user, IK2QEB, who had hunted me from the POTA app.

I bounced to 20m – this was really easy with the Toybox antenna, just changing the ground-wire onto the coil and re-tune the antenna with the ATU, and I was on a 1.3:1 SWR. I managed one contact and with a total of 14 contacts, started to play around the bands and see what else the toybox antenna could do.

I adjusted the ground wire to 10M, no adjustment in the antenna itself was required, and was pleased to see so many signals getting in. Looking at PSK report my signals where getting out albeit with a predominate ‘skip’ to the East, but it was cool to try out a different band in poor conditions, despite not managing a QSO today.

10m FT8 provided signal reports getting into Easten Europe and very far into Russia !

At this point I thought why not give the 2m/70cm whip antenna a try before packing up, just for the fun of it. Whilst I didnt make any QSO’s, it was great that my signal was at least getting out on this little whip antenna !

All in all, despite the bad conditions, i had fun experimenting with the different configurations of the toybox antenna and even tryign out the 2m/70cm whip antenna. I had a nice relaxing time and felt great for getting out with my radio and enjoying the lovely new forest.

I’ve still got a 11 more activations to complete before my repeat award, but am confident with my current setup that figure will steadily decline and hopefully I’ll make more POTA contacts along the way, no matter what the conditions !