POTA – GB-0112 – New Forest Boulderwood

It was a bright sunny day down in IO90, so wanting to make full use I headed off to one of my favourite locations in the New Forest (GB-0112) Boulderwood. Its lovely there as it has excellent benches which my radio can be setup on quite easily, and the surrounding trees are really beautiful.

I was setup in no time at all with the mag loop and started out with FT4 on 20M, then FT8. I was amazed at how good the propagation was today, with brilliant signal reports and a very steady stream of QSO’s – in no less than 20 minutes, I had made the 10 contacts required to activate the park!

FT8 propagation on 10W into the mag-loop was brilliant

Having had so much success on digital modes, I gave SSB a try on 20m, I was not to be disappointed ! A quick self spot on the POTA app (also a benefit of this part of the New Forest, it has mobile phone coverage!) and I made excellent contacts in Switzerland with HB9HZC and HB9BWR with very good signal reports both ways (59 from me, 57 received) With no more than a few minutes wait, I was having a QSO with Jose, EA1BUL in Spain, with a brilliant signal report.

I’m not usually one for swapping bands, but I’d thought I’d give 40m a try as conditions seemed so favorable. I returned to the QRP CoA (7.090) on SSB and sure enough a contact with G0QRL, Don in Devon was to be had ! It was harder work and the SWR was slighter higher at 2:1, but nevertheless a great receive signal report and I got 55 on my 10W of power.

POTA Log for today – if you see yourself there *big thanks*

This was a brilliant activation, and I had a thoroughly good time. With the WX turning slightly inclement I headed back home, thoroughly excited and really impressed with the IC705 and Alexloop antenna – I really love QRP and am amazed at just how much can be done with a good antenna and limited power.

An excited 2E0FWE/P out at Boulderwood